Your Plan to Modify

Some boast that change is a factor of life they crave, others avoid it like the plague. Sometimes you have time to prepare for change and other times it may hit you square in the nose leaving you confused and disoriented. Having a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease (PD) may feel like an assault on your normal, your routine, your life. Certainly you could call it change. When you find yourself experiencing physical, cognitive, or medical changes related to PD it is time to develop a plan. Fighting the changes in PD will most likely exhaust you and your loved ones. Instead, consider a proactive approach that allows you to anticipate what you will need and how you can accomplish day to day tasks based on how you currently feel.

5 steps to modifying your day when Parkinson’s comes knocking

  1. Identify parts of the day when you have the most energy so you can capitalize on your most productive time.
  1. Consider your schedule intentionally. Decide what your priorities are and focus your energy on these tasks, saving the less important ones to do at a later time or to delegate to someone you trust.
  1. Take breaks. If you run yourself into the ground you will not be able to complete your daily tasks independently or you may have to abort mission prematurely.
  1. Brainstorm about the hurdles that may be causing you to fatigue and do your best to eliminate or decrease the impact they have on your productivity.
  1. Be realistic. Find someone you trust and use them as a sounding board to determine if your plan is achievable based on your current abilities and resources.

It is important to remember that every person is on their own journey. Not one of us is the same. Your experience with Parkinson’s is unique to you, which means your plan needs to be unique to you.

What do you do when you experience changes related to PD that stop you in your tracks? Leave a comment!


  1. Becky Adams

    8 November

    Thanks so much for taking the time to do this site/blog…
    In response to your question….anytime I’m forced to stop in my tracks I do just that and then trudge on.. I try to keep a sense of humor about whatever comes my way and remember that things could be worse. I thank God for the blessing I do have , several times per day.
    My associate pastor , whose grandpa passed after fighting Parkinsons , paid me a compliment this past Sunday, by saying I was an inspiration to many due to my “trudgery”.
    I did not realize that but am pleased that I can be a positive in someone’s life.
    I probably would not be had I not had PD…


      13 November

      Thanks for sharing your experience, Becky! It is always good to search for the silver lining.