The Basics

What Is Parkinson's Disease?

Parkinson’s Foundation outlines the essentials of Parkinson’s disease. Included in this resource are a definition of Parkinson’s disease a list of the known causes, statistics, diagnosis process, treatment, signs and symptoms that are common with the diagnosis. With this resource you can ensure you have a foundational knowledge of the disease.

What Is Young-Onset Parkinson's Disease?

There are unique hurdles to being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease before the age of 50. Michael J. Fox Foundation provides a thorough overview of those who fall within the category of “young-onset” and tips on managing factors such as being a parent of young children, navigating the workplace, and long-term financial planning.

What Is A Movement Disorder Specialist?

Working with a specialist is a key component to Parkinson’s care. It is common for initial symptoms to be reported to a primary care physician. Hopefully, afater that visit you have a referral in hand or already scheduled an appointment with a local Movement Disorder Specialist. If you haven’t established this relationship yet, consider what this resource from Michael J. Fox Foundation says about working with a neurologist who is trained in movement disorders like Parkinson’s.

Considering Other Healthcare Professionals

The first blog post on The Parkinson’s Report was written about this topic. Dr. Suketu Khandhar provided a lecture on Parkinson’s Foundation Expert Briefing Seminar to describe the various professionals that may take part in Parkinson’s care. Due to the highly individualized nature of the disease and your health, it is important to consider adding team members who fit your current and changing needs. The blog post is a summary of Dr. Khandhar’s lecture and the link to his original PowerPoint lecture is in the post.