The New Music is an independent feature film written and directed by Chiara Viale about a young gifted pianist who joins a punk band after discovering he has Young Onset Parkinson’s disease. The film has the full support of Young Parkinson’s Ireland and the aim is to bring heightened awareness to Young Onset Parkinson’s disease. The film has been shot but is raising money to finish post production with 20% of all funds raised being donated to Young Parkinson’s Ireland. They are getting close so please support if you can:
Emma Lawton created the concept “three-six-fives” based on the idea that people living with a long-term health condition 365 days out of a year can offer unique support and information to others who may be experiencing similar circumstances. will be a peer led website to help those with health conditions find support through video blogs. This website will be a collaborative vlog effort of patients, carers, family, clinicians, researchers, etc. Support for this project is complete and you can learn more here:
Tonya and Chad Walker host the podcast PD Connect for people looking for community and conversation but may not be ready to step into a face-to-face support group. Their podcast is connecting the Parkinson’s community with resources, information and each other. With a wide variety of topics, PD Connect is a comprehensive listen that benefits people with Parkinson’s, care partners, and the healthcare community. You can download their episodes via iTunes or Podbean.